As I'm typing this I can't really feel my arms. I mean, I know they are there, because they are sore. But they can't move on their own, making it difficult to do normal, every day tasks like: wash my hair, brush my hair, lift a coffee cup, get dressed, etc. Basically anything that involves raising my arms higher than off the couch.
Why? Because today I went to my first Crossfit class!
It was a free class, which means anybody, at any kind of fitness level, could do the workout. They encourage anyone wanting to sign up to attend the free class. So that's what we did. My first initial thought before the workout? "Oh, this won't be too bad." My thought afterwards? "That was bad." You know the saying "Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger"? Well, I'm pretty sure that was written with Crossfit in mind. I haven't lifted weights (unless you count babies and toddlers, which are excellent for weight lifting) since high school. 13 years to be specific. So this was completely new to me.
I've never been interested in doing Crossfit. I think it's fun (and funny) to watch the Crossfit games on t.v., because those people have super human strength, but I never thought I'd be interested in taking a class. So, of course, my first thought before going to the class was "yeah right, I can't do Crossfit. I can't throw a tire across the room!" (Which they don't make you do by the way.) I run, and I like to run. I know how to run. You just put on your shoes and go. It's easy.
But Crossfit...that's another kind of workout. You don't just put your shoes on and run. I can run for two hours, but a 15 min Crossfit workout will leave me on the floor. Literally.
And I liked it. My arms feel like rubber, but I liked it! I liked the intensity. I liked the competition. I liked the fast paced atmosphere.
Now, I don't know all the fancy Crossfit acronyms, and while normally I'd spend time searching them on Google, right now I'm not. My arms are being nice by even letting me hold my phone to type.
Here was our WOD (work out of the day - figured that one out myself!):
15 min AMRAP of (learned this one today! "As many rounds as possible"):
200m run
10 front squats (35 lbs)
20 hand release push ups
I did 3 rounds and 24 reps.
Not too shabby for having no upper body strength! Even though I left with less strength than I came with.
Anyway, we signed up for their two week On the Ramp class, which is five days. After that we decide if we want to stick with it. I think we will. We're stubborn that way.
I'm sure by this point in the post (if my husband reads this) he's saying "I told you so." Yeah, well, I'll let him bask in that, because I do think I'll like it. I'll like seeing the improvements - in Crossfit, but especially with my running.
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