Friday, April 5, 2013

Running Rut

I'm finding myself in a "running rut." This has happened before, usually right after a big race, when I don't have anything else to train for, or after being injured. And I hate it. It makes me feel inadequate as a runner.

I don't know if it's because:

A.) I don't have a training plan right now.
B.) I don't have any upcoming races. 
C.) I'm on spring break.
D.) I got spoiled with my week off from running (and want to keep it going.)
E.) I started Crossfit this week, and I'm sore and tired.
F.) I'm just making excuses and being lazy.

EFF! All of those factors are the cause in one way or another. But that doesn't make them reasonable excuses. If you call yourself a runner, then you run. It's as simple as that. Or at least it should be. You don't come up with 6 different excuses why you "don't want to run." 

That's a positive attitude to have! But I'm not there right now. Remember, I'm in a "running rut."

I'm not good at running without a training plan; without a goal in mind. So how do I get out of this "running rut"? Decide on a plan. Duh. Well, I'll decide on a broad plan. Chris can work out the specifics ;).

All six excuses aside, this is what I want to work on right now:

  • Speed work. I want to get faster. Doesn't everyone? I want to try and knock off even more time for a 5k in May. Even though I KNOW it's much more difficult to knock off time in a 5k than it is a half marathon. That's okay, the end result is worth it. And if I put in the work I'll be happy with the results.
  • My next BIG goal for a 13.1 is 1:50 (or maybe sub?), which will be a 7 or 8 min PR. I know that's a HUGE stretch, but I want a goal that I have to work hard for. I don't want a goal that's easily attainable. Where's the fun in that? And with the correct amount of training I know I can do it (as long as I don't get injured this time!), even if I don't get it on the first try, which will probably be in October, or whenever the Middle Half is scheduled for. I know I'll at least set a new PR. And that's progress. 
  • Running for the sake of enjoying it; Running as a stress reliever; Running to clear my mind; Running with no pace or distance in mind, which is difficult for me to do.

That's it. Nothing fancy. 

But for right now I'm going to enjoy the last few days of my spring break. I'm going to run the miles I want, when I want. I'm going to go outside and read. I'm going to clean and organize. I'm going to get my classroom back in order for next week. I'm going to catch up with some friends. I'm going to spend time with my husband. I'm going to enjoy myself.

And I'm going to get out of my running rut and run. Tomorrow. Promise. :)

This pretty much sums up my post. It's a saying that is on the back of the shirts at the Crossfit gym Chris and I go to.

What excuses have you made to get out of running/working out? Have you ever been in a "running rut"? If so, how did you get out of it? 

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