Monday, December 31, 2012

Running Goals for 2013

I'm not the type of person who commits to resolutions. Not because I don't have anything to improve upon, but because I very rarely finish what I start. It's a huge fault of mine. I have good intentions of setting goals for the new year, but my goals are always so far-fetched, I tend to toss them out the window early in the year. However, I am very committed to "running" goals! 

These are just a few running goals I have for 2013. No details, just straight to the point (unlike any of my other posts.) 

1. Run at least one race a month.

2. Run sub 24 in a 5k. 

3. Run sub 2 hours for 1/2 marathon.

4. Average 100 miles a month (break 1,200 for the year.)

5. Run better on hills. (I hate them!)

6. I know I mentioned running a marathon in December, but I'm still up in the air about it.

7. Make sure to keep track of my runs by posting them on running ahead! I might even start posting them on dailymile again. Looking back at old posts the other day was motivating. I hate that I don't know how many miles I ran in 2012 because I switched watches in September and lost data. 

Those are the main ones. I'm sure I'll add to this throughout the year, but those are set-in-stone ones, so to speak. I have a feeling I'll be setting new goals halfway through the year. :)


  1. Hi Kayla! Thanks for stopping by my blog, The Sweet Life, yesterday! Sounds like we have a lot in common. Love your goals! Look forward to interacting and reading with you in the future. I am a book lover so if you have suggestions for 2013, I"ll take them!

  2. Thanks! Ericka, if you have a Goodreads account you can check out my book lists. :)
